
The aim of our soap course is to teach individuals to make soap at home easily, comfortably using natural ingredients and the cold process method.
To formulate one's own recipes, to work with noble natural ingredients, to magically transform liquid fats into beautiful solid bars of soap are among the many pleasures that come from home soapmaking. This will change the way you see soap as a skincare product.
We wish to share our experience and help you find more satisfaction and becoming more conscious when choosing your cosmetics products.

aromaNature soapcourse cold process soap

"Cold process soapmaking"
Our classic course!, This 2 day, intensive soap course will give you all the basics so that once back home you will be able to make the richest soap bars that you ever imagined for the pure delight of your skin (and that of your family and friends).
At the bottom of the page, click on the making of for a taste of what you can learn. Please check our page Making of so that you have an idea about what you will do here!

"How to run a small soapmaking cottage activity"
The latest course at aromaNature, this one is a concentrated mix of what made our tiny soap activity successfull . With a finance master and expertise in happy frugality, Sylvain shares all the recipes and hints that makes the family-run soap company run smoothly for 17 years within admitted economic scarcety, and lasts long long time .
Only available in French